Buff Kavelman to Serve on 2018 New York Community Trust Nonprofit Excellence Awards Selection Committee

Buff Kavelman has been invited to serve on the 2018 Selection Committee for the New York Community Trust Nonprofit Excellence Awards. The Awards program recognizes nonprofit organizations with outstanding management and governance based on Eight Key Areas of Nonprofit Excellence.

The Eight Key Areas of Nonprofit Excellence are nationally recognized management areas critical to an organization’s success:
1. Overall management focus
2. Governance
3. Financial management
4. Diversity and Inclusion
5. Human resource development
6. Effective use of information technology
7. Communications; and
8. Fundraising.

Buff has served on the Committee since 2016. Celebrating their 11th year, the Nonprofit Excellence Awards are the only awards of their kind recognizing and inspiring excellence in nonprofit management in the New York metropolitan region. Candidates range from small nonprofit organizations to some of the oldest and largest institutions in the City. They serve a wide variety of fields, including affordable housing, the arts, education, child welfare, community development, criminal justice, leadership development, mental health, public health and social services.